Sustainability and purpose governance

Our commitment to delivering on sustainability targets and ambitions is central to our business.

The Board of Directors sets Givaudan’s strategy, including ESG topics, and has the oversight of al ESG aspects, including the sustainability strategy and targets. 

The seven members of the Executive Committee (EC), led by the Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for implementing Givaudan’s strategy under supervision of the Board. 

Topics related to purpose/sustainability ambitions form part of the regular EC meeting agenda so that progress and pending decisions can be discussed, each purpose ambition is allocated to a specific EC member who leads the regular briefs to the Board. In addition, sessions dedicated to reviewing the overall progress and strategic direction of our ESG ambitions are half twice a year. 

The Sustainability Leadership Team led by the Global Head of Sustainability, is made up of internal experts topics linked to purpose/sustainability. They meet on a regular basis to review progress and agreed on key recommendations for the EC. 

The Purpose Management Office led by the purpose project led, is responsible for both supporting the embedding of our purpose within the business agenda at the EC and leadership team levels as well as helping identify ways of cascading it down the organisation.

The divisions and functions leadership teams integrate the purpose/sustainability ambitions into strategic plans and allocate the resources that will make the difference in delivering our purpose/sustainability agenda. 

Our governance structure


Regularly reviews overall progress and direction in purpose / sustainability


Reviews progress and pending decisions in specific purpose / sustainability ambitions on a regular basis. Dedicated sessions are held twice a year to review the overall purpose / sustainability agenda, including progress and decisions on strategic direction and commitment

Sustainability Leadership Team Purpose Management Office Divisions and functions

Led by the Global Head of Sustainability, it meets twice a month for a regular progress review and to jointly discuss direction and progress in key purpose / sustainability topics
Led by the Purpose Project Lead. Is responsible to both support the embedding of the purpse and identify ways of cascading it down through the organisation
Integrated purpose / sustainability goals and commitments into strategic plans and embed them into daily business decisions and operations throughout the Company
Management tools Stakeholders Partners and advisors


Policies / Principles of conduct

Risk management / precautionary principle

Corporate governance

External assessments


Constant engagement with internal and external stakeholders

Directing our business efforts towards to boarder needs of our relevant stakeholder groups

Partnering with experts and external bodies for collaboration on key matters such as purpose, sustainability, innovation and more