Linen dress

Media resources

In this section, you will find material for use with print and TV media.

Kindly credit all material to Givaudan. For access to high resolution photos of the Board of Directors or Executive Committees and videos, please contact us.


Company logo

Company single logotype


Company partnering logo
When featured next to partners’ logos, different options are available, please contact us.


Our Executive Committee and Board of Directors members

Executive Committee

Read more about each Executive Committee member by clicking their name


Board of Directors

Read more about each Board member by clicking their name



Image library

Below is a selection of corporate images that can be used for print and online media. Please add an accreditation ‘Courtesy of Givaudan’ when using.

Locations and laboratories






Video library

Givaudan in the news

CNBC interview
with CEO on
the 2024 half year results  


CNBC interview
with CEO on
the 2023 full year results
