Empowering healthy, natural choices that delight consumers

Givaudan supports natural healthy living by enabling consumers to proactively manage their health through enjoyable food and wellness experiences.
Consumers care about their wellbeing. From nutrition-packed foods and beverages to targeted supplements, they’re eager to find natural solutions that they can easily incorporate into their modern lifestyles. Givaudan’s portfolio offers an extensive range of botanicals and carefully selected fibre and vitamins sourced from nature for healthier food, beverage and nutraceutical experiences. When combined with the rest of our portfolio, we can help you design the perfect consumer experience, delivering the right functionality, flavours and sensations.
Supporting wellbeing with trusted natural ingredients
With extensive experience in the plant world, our scientists design innovative botanical solutions to meet consumer needs in four major areas.

Intimate health
- Women’s urinary and bladder health
- Women’s hormonal health
- Men’s lower urinary tract health
Each ingredient is sourced with full traceability and proper botanical identification using the latest authentication methods. Ingredients are gently extracted in our facilities in order to preserve the properties of the botanical and optimise efficacy. Many of our ingredients are scientifically substantiated and their consumer appeal is studied via proprietary consumer research. Our application scientists support customers throughout the formulation process, co-creating their next market-winning consumer wellbeing experience.
A stronger front-of-pack with robust health claims and scientific backing

When it comes to nutraceuticals, consumers expect efficacy. Givaudan’s Health Essentials offers bioactives and clinically proven botanical ingredients to deliver specific health benefits, often supported by proven claims.
Turning products into wholesome, natural food experiences
Consumers expect the foods and beverages they consume to support their wellbeing. Givaudan can boost wellness appeal and nutritional profile with authentic botanical and natural nutritional ingredients.

Transparently and sustainably sourced from nature
Givaudan is committed to having a positive impact both on communities and the environment throughout our supply chain. We understand that consumers today are not only looking for high-quality products but are also increasingly conscious of the ethical and environmental aspects of their choices. Our natural ingredients are sourced in full compliance with our Sourcing4Good programme. This unique programme offers customers greater access to safe, high-quality products sourced in a responsible way as well as increased oversight and detailed knowledge of their supply chains.
This page is intended to provide business-to-business information. It is not for communication to end consumers.
The information provided and its uses must be checked for compliance under appropriate local regulations. There is currently no harmonised legal definition for naturalness of food ingredients. Any communication to end consumers must be done according to the appropriate local regulations/guidances.