Givaudan announces ‘Fair for Life’ certification of clove leaf oil collection network in Madagascar

Givaudan announced today the first ‘Fair for Life’ certification of its clove leaf oil collection network in Madagascar, reinforcing its commitment to fair and ethical trade relationships in the country where it partners with hundreds of smallholder producers to source clove leaf oil, an essential natural ingredient for its flavour and fragrance creations.

Fair for Life certification aims to enforce good working conditions for all participants in the supply chain, and validates the social and environmental responsibility of the collection network. Fair for Life also covers fair prices and the administration of a fair trade premium for community development projects, while ensuring full traceability of the certified raw material.

Givaudan CEO Gilles Andrier said: “By taking this first step to certify our collection network, we are further demonstrating our commitment to responsible sourcing practices and, in line with our 2020 strategy, partnering for shared success with our communities, suppliers and customers. Fair for Life is a guarantee that Givaudan Madagascar and its local partners ensure the traceability of clove leaf oil from the farm to the new processing plant NATEMA1.”

The Fair for Life certification programme for fair trade and responsible supply chains is conducted by the ECOCERT Group, a global player in the certification of environmental management systems and fair trade.

Philippe Thomazo, CEO of ECOCERT Group, said: “We are pleased to see that Givaudan has chosen Fair for Life as an innovative fair trade certification programme. In 2016, we certified their clove leaf essential oil in Madagascar, where they have been supporting and building long-term and respectful relationships with their local suppliers. This demonstrates their sincere commitment to go further in the implementation of their Responsible Sourcing programme.”

Givaudan introduced its Responsible Sourcing Policy in 2016, the first of its kind in the flavours and fragrance industry, as an expression of its commitment to providing safe products of consistent quality that meet or exceed customer expectations, dealing ethically and respecting human rights wherever it does business. The Company has set itself the goal of compliance in the four core areas of responsible sourcing: health and safety, social, environment and business integrity.

1 NATEMA (Natural Extracts Madagascar) is a joint venture between Givaudan and Henri Fraise Fils et Cie, its longstanding partner and a well-established company in Madagascar.

About Givaudan
Givaudan is the global leader in the creation of flavours and fragrances. In close collaboration with food, beverage, consumer product and fragrance partners, Givaudan develops tastes and scents that delight consumers the world over. With a passion to understand consumers’ preferences and a relentless drive to innovate, Givaudan is at the forefront of creating flavours and fragrances that ‘engage your senses’. The Company achieved sales of CHF 4.4 billion in 2015. Headquartered in Switzerland with local presence in over 80 locations, the Company has more than 9,500 employees worldwide. Givaudan invites you to discover more at
About ECOCERT Group
Fair for Life is a certification programme for fair trade and responsible supply chains launched in 2006 by IMOswiss AG, now part of the ECOCERT Group. ECOCERT Group, a global leader in certification in organic farming and organic cosmetics, relies on an international network of 30 branches operating in more than 130 countries. ECOCERT is also a recognised player in the certification of environmental management systems and fair trade. It sets demanding standards to encourage economic players across all sectors to adopt more responsible practices. Its expertise also covers environmental consulting. In accordance with its convictions, ECOCERT applies a rigorous environmental policy to all of its activities.

For further information please contact:
Peter Wullschleger, Media and Investor Relations
T +41 22 780 9093