Engaging with stakeholders on our material issues

















Listening and responding to our priority stakeholders is a core part of our sustainability management approach. These stakeholders are the people who affect our business or who are affected by it.

The feedback we receive from these stakeholders helps us to understand their expectations and prioritise issues effectively. This informs our overall sustainability approach and our ability to deliver against shared sustainability goals.

We have identified seven stakeholder groups: Customers, Suppliers, Employees, Owners and Investors, Local communities, Public and Regulatory Agencies, Innovators and partners which are currently of primary importance to our sustainability approach.

Our list of material topics is mapped against the GRI Standards topics, our purpose pillars, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Principles and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to show that they are fully consistent with the most commonly used sustainability frameworks.

Title table

Materiality topicEquivalent GRI topicPurpose pillar*UNGC PrinciplesSDG mapping
BiodiversityGRI 304: Biodiversity
Principle 8
Zero hunger
Life on land
Partnerships for the goals
Climate changeGRI 202-2: Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
GRI 301: Materials
GRI 302: Energy
GRI 305: Emissions
Principle 7,8,9
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Life on land
Consumer health & wellbeingGRI 415: Customer health and safety
Zero hunger
Good health and well-being
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Partnerships for the goals
Diversity, inclusion
& people development
GRI 102-8: Information on employees and other workers
GRI 202: Market presence
GRI 401: Employment
GRI 404: Training and education
GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity
GRI 406: Non-discrimination
Principle 6
Gender equality
Decent work and economic growth
Partnerships for the goals
Economic performanceGRI 201: Economic performance
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Climate action
Employee safety,
& wellbeing
GRI 403: Occupational health and safety
Good health and well-being
Decent work and economic growth
& business
conduct / ethics /

GRI 102-11: Precautionary Principle or approach

GRI 102-16: Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour
GRI 102-17: Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics
GRI 102-18: Governance structure
GRI 205: Anti-corruption

Principle 10
Responsible consumption and production
Partnerships for the goals




Materiality matrix: glossary of material issues and SDG(s) directly supported


Contributing to the preservation of biodiversity along Givaudan's value chain.

Zero hunger  Life on land  Partnership for the goals

Climate change

Mitigating effects on climate change along Givaudan's value chain by reducing emissions and adapting our capabilities.

Responsible consumption and production  Climate action

Consumer health and wellbeing

Developing products and services that promote the health and well-being of people as they experience our ingredients in every-day consumer products.

Zero hunger  Good health and well-being  Industry, innovation and infrastructure  Partnership for the goals


Identifying raw materials linked to deforestation and collaborating with suppliers and other key partners to avoid deforestation along Givaudan’s supply chain.

Responsible consumption and production  Climate action  Life on land  Partnership for the goals

Having a balanced workforce which reflects the societies in which Givaudan operates, including efforts to eliminate all discrimination and to ensure the opportunity for people from all backgrounds to succeed.

Gender equality  Decent work and economic growth  Partnership for the goals

Economic performance

Operating a profitable business model for the long-term viability of the Company.

Decent work and economic growth  Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Employee health, safety and wellness

Providing a safe and healthy working environment and encouraging responsible employee behaviours.

Good health and well-being  Decent work and economic growth

Governance and business conduct

Ensuring business practices are in alignment with international standards, local laws and Givaudan standards in countries of operation. Safeguarding the effective functioning of the governing bodies of Givaudan.

Human rights

Ensuring that Givaudan respects human rights by acting with due diligence, as defined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Zero hunger  Gender equality  Decent work and economic growth  Partnerships for the goals

Labour/management relations

Fostering collaborative labour relations with employees and employee elected representatives.

Decent work and economic growth

Local community development

Recognising and supporting the broader development goals of local communities where Givaudan operates in and sources from.

Zero hunger   Decent work and economic growth  Industry, innovation and infrastructure  Partnerships for the goals

Product environmental and societal impact

Optimising the impact of our products within our whole supply chain, in the way they are designed, manufactured and ultimately used by the consumer, both in terms of environmental impact and ability to positively affect societal issues.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure  Responsible consumption and production

Product quality and safety

Ensure our products are safe and comply with all applicable laws, regulations as well as customer requirements.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure  Responsible consumption and production

Raw material availability

Ensuring a stable supply of raw materials used in Givaudan's products.

Zero hunger  Life on land  Partnerships for the goals

Responsible sourcing

Fostering compliance with high standards in health, safety, social, environmental and business integrity in the way we source.

Zero hunger  Decent work and economic growth  Life on land  Partnerships for the goals

Talent management

Effectively recruiting, developing, engaging, deploying and retaining a balanced workforce that meets future business imperatives.

Gender equality  Decent work and economic growth  Partnerships for the goals


Understanding the supply chain and tracing the provenance of raw materials we use from their origin to the final formulation.

Decent work and economic growth  Responsible consumption and production

Transparency and reporting

Disclosing an adequate level of information and data in alignment with recognised frameworks and in compliance with local laws and regulations.

Responsible consumption and production

Waste management

Pursuing a culture of waste elimination by adequately managing all Givaudan's waste streams.

Responsible consumption and production

Water stewardship

Optimising the use of intake water and ensuring the quality of discharged water. Assessing and addressing water risks at owned operations and in our supply chain.

Clean water and sanitation  Responsible consumption and production  Partnerships for the goals

Women’s empowerment

Implementing policies and programmes that are consistent with promoting equal opportunities for all.

Gender equality  Decent work and economic growth  Partnerships for the goals

Stakeholder engagement

The table below shows our key stakeholder groups along with some of the ways in which we interact with them and the topics which interest them. 

StakeholderDialogue channelKey topics

  • Ongoing dialogue
  • Customer sustainability requests
  • Audits
  • Customer innovation days
  • Conferences and events
  • At associations and advocacy organisations 
  • Climate change
  • Consumer health and well-being
  • Human rights
  • Product environmental and social impact
  • Product quality and safety
  • Responsible sourcing
  • Transparency and reporting
  • Traceability 

  • Assessments
  • Supplier audits
  • Collaborations to improve performance
  • Multi-stakeholder groups
  • Supplier events: capacity building, discussing issues
  • Direct engagement with supplier relationship managers 
  • Responsible sourcing
  • Raw material availability 

  • Works Council consultations
  • Employee engagement initiatives
  • Annual performance dialogue
  • Talent management processes
  • Learning and development opportunities
  • Green Teams, engagements and ongoing dialogue 
  • Employee health, safety and wellness
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Talent management
  • Women’s empowerment

Owners and investors
  • Annual General Meeting/half-year meeting
  • Annual investor road shows
  • Briefings with analysts
  • Conferences with investors and other financial stakeholders
  • Economic performance
  • Raw material availability
  • Talent management
  • Transparency and reporting​

Local communities
  • Community development programme survey
  • Local site community engagement programme
  • Ongoing dialogue with local authorities and community organisations
  • Green Teams engaged in social activities within the communities we operate
  • Givaudan Foundation
  • Local partners (NGOs or cooperatives) acting as Givaudan agents
  • Employee health, safety and wellness
  • Consumer health and well-being
  • Product environmental and social impact
  • Human rights
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Transparency and reporting

Public and regulatory agencies
  • UNGC consultation 
  • Industry association consultation and commenting on emerging regulations
  • CDP project workshop
  • Membership of working groups/forums
  • Media
  • Product quality and safety
  • Responsible sourcing
  • Product environmental and social impact
  • Employee health, safety and wellness
  • Transparency and reporting
  • Human rights